Clean Desk Cards #3 - What's the Buzz?

Just a quick post today to share a card I made over the weekend.  It was fun to get a box of CLOSE TO MY HEART supplies and try something new.  I used some scraps of paper leftover from the last time my sister was in town.

Freshly Made Sketches current sketch #475 provided the inspiration.

Glitter gel from CLOSE TO MY HEART provided the fun!


For the background I used the golden Solar Flare glitter gel and a stencil from my stash.  First, I used Sundance ink on the openings in the stencil and then I smeared glitter gel over the top with a palette knife.  Did you notice the little gold stars as well as the glitter?

I am not usually one for messy techniques, but this was fun.  And I can attest to the fact that once dry that glitter stays stuck.  I hate glitter that doesn't stay stuck on.  You'll notice a bit on the bottom of the left panel there.  Those bees must have dragged it out of the hive, don't you think?

You can find all the mixed media supplies from CLOSE TO MY HEART here.  That's all happening around here in this hive.  What's the buzz where you are?


  1. Love the glittery details! Thanks for playing along with us at FMS!


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